25 Landing Page Examples That Convert Like Crazy

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25 Landing Page Examples That Convert Like Crazy

2023-03-08 14:28| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

When you need to create a landing page, it can help to have a swipe file of landing page examples that inspire.

If you don’t already have a collection of high-converting landing page samples, we’ve got you covered. Keep reading for a review of 25 landing pages by successful brands in a range of industries.

But first, let’s quickly agree on what a landing page is.‍

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A landing page is any page you send traffic to in order to achieve a specific business objective, such as sales, lead generation, or customer interaction.

Landing pages are different from other web pages:

They don’t include navigation or other elements that might distract your visitor.They focus on driving just one action, usually to sign up for something or to buy something.They can be any length or style, as long as they get the results you’re looking for.

If you're looking for information on sales pages, check out this video where we cover what to include in a short form sales page:

Now, let’s look at some examples of high-converting landing pages. In this article, we’ll look at:

Low-cost course landing pagesHigh-ticket course landing pagesMembership and subscription landing pagesLead generation landing pagesWebinar and masterclass landing pagesVirtual event landing pages

Let’s get started.‍

Low-cost course landing pages‍

When creating a landing page, the first question that comes to mind is, “How long should it be?”

In general, your landing page will be longer for more expensive products and shorter for less expensive products. Of course, as you’ll see in this article, there are always exceptions.

Here are sample landing pages for relatively low-priced offers. As you’ll see, there are no “rules.”‍

#1: Chris & Jen - Be on TV Bootcamp

Cost: $55

The highest-performing landing pages make an offer that’s almost too good to be true. And of course, they really are overdelivering.

This offer for Be On TV Bootcamp is a good example. Because this page is long, there’s no way I can itemize every factor that makes it work, so I’ll call out a few of the things that stand out right away.‍

10X value for the price‍

The first is the price. When making an offer, your goal is to deliver 10 times the price in value. This program is so complete, that when they list a total value of $3,988, you don’t doubt it.

By comparison, your price of $55 is a no-brainer. 

Here’s how they keep this difference top of mind: Above nearly every button they print the total value with the asking price. The more you read, the more convinced you are that this really is 10x value.

TIP: Regardless of the price or size of your offer, find ways to add value. Your goal is to give your customers 10x the price in value.

‍Customer videos and testimonials‍

On this landing page, they use video testimonials, screenshots from social media, and more. This builds credibility. Clearly, people are raving about the program.

You don’t have to sell yourself if your customers do it for you. Use as many customer testimonials as you can. Use your customers’ names and headshots, so there’s no doubt they’re real people.‍

Create emphasis with color‍

Contrasting color is a good way to draw attention to important messaging on your landing page. That’s especially true for a long page like this one.

Overdone, this can cheapen your offer, but done right, it comes off as a design element. Choose one of your brand colors, then use it to highlight important words.

On this landing page, here are some of the words that have been highlighted in red:

Go from getting “stuck” to getting booked on TV!Be On TVYou deserve(and it’s yours)

They’ve color-coded the words that are most likely to generate excitement: big promises and ego boosters.‍

TIP: Make your copy as customer-focused as possible. Empower them. Speak directly to them, using the word “you.”‍

#2: Anne Helmstadter - Story Sales Assessment

Cost: $595

This assessment offer by story coach Anne Helmstadter is a good example of a coaching or assessment offer.

Because Anne is an expert and can charge top dollar for her time, it’s a moderately expensive offer. But assessments, like coaching, aren’t a tangible product. There are no hero images or product features.

Because of that, Anne needs a long-form sales page to explain why her assessment matters and why the prospect should take action now. Let’s look at how she does it.‍

Empathize with the prospect‍

Anne knows her target audience intimately, especially their fears and insecurities. And you see that in her writing.

She gets right to the point, addressing it:

Notice she writes her copy as if she’s chatting with a friend. You can sense the warmth and empathy she has for the prospect. This creates an immediate bond that draws in her audience.‍

Direct response copywriting‍

Traditional direct response copywriting is a letter format, is signed by an individual, and has a P.S.

On this landing page, you see all these elements and more. Like Anne, you can strengthen your landing page by tapping into the power of direct response copywriting.

Here’s how she does it:

Clearly identifies the problemPaints a picture of the problem and how it holds the prospect backWrites short, punchy sentences and paragraphsTells the story in her subheads as well as the copy (so skimmers don’t miss the message)Focuses on the benefits of the productExplains who this offer is forOffers testimonials and other proof pointsAsks the prospect to imagine their (new and improved) life after working with herGives an iron-clad guaranteeOffers bonuses for added valueAdds a P.S. for one final persuasive push

Use this as a guide for your next landing page, especially a coaching offer.‍

#3: RTY Art - Lifelike Portraits in 21 Days

Cost: $197

RTY Art’s offer takes more of a story approach on her landing page. She also breaks her message into a 6-page series that preps the buyer for the offer you see here.

This series does a fantastic job of creating empathy with wanna-be artists, building Rebecca Tillman-Young’s authority as an instructor, and creating hope and confidence that this training will bring out your inner Michaelangelo.‍

Tell the story‍

Before arriving at this landing page, you must read six in-depth articles that include real-life photos of Rebecca at work, as well as her artwork. They also include mini art lessons with photos and videos that give a taste of what’s inside.

By the time you land on the sixth article, you feel you know her, her dreams, and her own struggles to become the artist she is today. only then does she introduce her course.

At that point, prospects have been conditioned to click through. And they’ve enjoyed the story, so they want to learn more. The final click brings them to this page, where they can see the details of the course, the resources they’ll get, and more testimonials.‍

Lean into the pain‍

The key to building rapport with your prospects is tapping into their emotions. Rebecca’s copy doesn’t just talk about her prospects’ fears and insecurities, she makes them feel those emotions all over again.

As a result, they feel understood, which builds their confidence in her ability to solve the problem.

Be aware, that can take a LOT of sales copy. But as this example demonstrates, you can actually serialize your story.

‍TIP: Take your time exploring the struggle your prospects are experiencing ... and your solution. Pages breaks don’t hurt the user experience if you create good transitions between the pages.

‍Overcome all objections in advance‍

In her articles, Rebecca tackles the biggest objections her prospects are likely to have. She explores the thought process behind each objection and then shows them why it won’t be a problem.

The entire series is built on testimonials, stories, and screenshots of students’ work. Together, they make buying the obvious choice, especially when you finally see the price.‍

#4: Ted McGrath - Recurring Fast Online Revenue

Cost: $19.95

This offer by Ted McGrath is unusually long for a $19.95 offer. But in reality, he’s offering a bundle of three products, not just one.

To adequately describe each course and the value it delivers, Ted needs to describe each product and its benefits.

That said, the above-the-fold portion of this page looks strikingly similar to a short-form landing page:

If your product is priced below $20, this might be all you need to drive sales. So why does Ted go long-form here?‍

Buyers have questions‍

Let’s start by looking at the name of his product. Recurring Fast Online Revenue does a good job of describing the outcome you’ll get from this bundle, but it doesn’t tell you how the programs work or what you get with them.

Also, while the copy here builds desire, it doesn’t answer buyers’ questions.

Some people, especially if they know and trust Ted, will be ready to buy on the price alone. For them, the buy button is there for immediate action.

For everyone else, the rest of this long-form landing page describes: 

The three products included in this bundleWhat’s inside eachTestimonials from previous students‍Place your buttons strategically‍

There’s a button at the top of this page, next to the hero image. There’s a second button below the product descriptions and a third at the end of the page.

This is a good model for any landing page. Make it easy for your buyers to say yes whenever they’re ready.

TIP: Place your buttons below your most compelling or persuasive blocks of copy. Don’t make visitors scroll to find the button.‍

#5: Billy Gene Is Marketing - Everything I’ve Ever Created

Cost: $59

Worried about your copywriting skills?

As you can see from this epic-length sales page by Billy Gene Is Marketing, you don’t need a lot of sales copy. You just need to create clear, compelling descriptions of the products you’re offering.

On this landing page, Billy Gene doesn’t do a lot of selling. He tells you what he’s offering and why. Then he gives you the form to buy. 

The rest of the page is a list of what you’re getting, with a description of each.

Here, Billy Gene groups his training by the topic. At the end of each group, there’s a buy button. Like Ted McGrath above, he makes it easy to buy. Whenever the prospect is ready, there’s a button for them.‍

High-ticket course landing pages#6: Tony Robbins - Date with Destiny Virtual

Cost: $4,995

A good landing page paints a picture of what’s possible. It promises a transformation that excites their ideal customer. No one does this better than Tony Robbins.‍

Help prospects visualize the outcome‍

This landing page spells out the outcomes you’ll experience from the event, and then asks prospects to imagine how their life will be changed. That’s a one-two punch that can make your offer irresistible.

TIP: “Imagine” is one of the most persuasive words in the English language. It’s a good follow-up to a big promise, because it invites people to paint those benefits into their own life.‍

Make the page easy to read and scan‍

Tony’s annual event, Date With Destiny, is a big investment for most attendees. As a result, the landing page needs more copy to explain the value.

But long-form copy can be intimidating. No one wants to commit an hour to reading the entire page.

The solution? Break up the copy, so it’s visual and scannable.

Because different blocks have a different background color, you can easily see the breaks in this landing page. And if you’re a prospect, it’s easy to scan and find the information you care about.

‍Use a persuasive structure‍

Here’s how Tony structures his page:

Above the fold: all pertinent information #1 benefit + invitation: Why you need to attendTestimonial from a celebrityWhat you’ll do at the event (smaller benefits)Differentiation. What sets this event apart?Outcomes you can expectAbout Tony Robbins + speakersWho is the event for?Get prospects visualizing the outcome for themselvesTestimonials from previous studentsYour choices: Attend or [bad outcome]Offer + price: What you get when you enrollGuarantee

TIP: This is a good template for any landing page. You can make each section as short or in-depth as it needs to be. But these are the key pieces of information your prospects need before taking action.‍

#7: Sam Ovens - Consulting Accelerator

Cost: $1,999

When landing pages fall flat, it’s often because of vague, generic messaging.

Specifics sell, so it’s important to nail down your offer, the outcome customers get, and how it will improve their life. Ideally, you want to paint that picture so clearly, the price doesn’t matter.

Let’s look at how Sam Ovens does that in his Consulting Accelerator landing page.

‍Make your promise in the headline‍

This is a great landing page example because it starts strong. The headline, “How to Start a Profitable Business & Get Your First Customer in 42-Days,” nails the prospect’s deepest desire.

When possible, create a time span for when the promised outcome will be delivered. That makes the promise more believable.‍

All questions answered‍

The moment you make an offer, your prospects begin asking questions and finding objections. Your goal is to answer them in such a way that all objections disappear.

Sam does that with an FAQ block and a “Here’s how it works” block. He gives full transparency so you know why his program is better than your other options.‍

Social proof‍

One of the most important questions you need to answer is, “Does it work?” Consulting answers that question in a way that immediately builds social proof: 

Notice that he follows that with a button to get started right away.‍

Free trial offer‍

This page doesn’t list the price anywhere. The call to action is simply to try it: Start your free trial.

A free trial is a good way to let your prospects sell themselves. If you’re confident your product is the best option out there, consider offering a free trial.‍

#8: James Wedmore - Sales Page by Design

Cost: 2 installments of $597

This landing page, by James Widmore, does a good job of drawing prospects in, identifying their problem, and providing a solution.‍

Identify your audience‍

Your prospects are in a hurry. Don’t leave it to them to figure out whether your product or service is right for them. Notice how James calls out his ideal customer in the eyebrow (the small text above the headline):

“To the Course Creator Who Knows Your Digital Product Deserves the BEST Sales Page.”

James not only identifies his audience, course creators, he identifies the specific solution they need.‍

Problem, agitate, solution‍

An easy formula for structuring your landing page is to identify a problem, agitate it, and then offer the solution.

As we just saw, James identifies the problem when identifies his audience. The headline then tells them he has that solution. And in the deck (the copy below the headline) he summarizes what it is.

The introductory copy explains why his solution is better. The rest of the landing page continues his argument with proof for every promise.

TIP: Every time you make a promise or claim, follow it with proof. Proof elements can include screenshots, testimonials, stories, or statistics.‍

Recap before the offer‍

In an epic-length landing page like this one, it’s easy for prospects to lose track of everything you say. James solves that problem by reviewing everything you get, complete with a hero shot of the program and 7 bullets.

Here, he does that right above the offer. This is a smart way to prove your asking price is reasonable.‍

#9: Frank Kern - The Maximizer Program

Cost: $999

This landing page, by Frank Kern, is a great example of a combination VSL (video sales page) and sales page.

Most VSLs are plain pages with a headline and video. There may be a button below the video, but in many cases, the button only appears after the video has played a specific length of time.

That’s not the case with this VSL. Frank adds sales copy to the page so prospects get the benefits of both video and text.‍

Video sells‍

Sixty-four percent of consumers buy after watching a branded video. Sixty-six percent prefer watching a video to reading about a product.

According to Wyzowl:

87% of video marketers say video has increased their website traffic83% say video has helped generate leads80% say video has directly helped increase sales

Video is a powerful sales tool. If you haven’t tried it yet, this is a good way to test its effectiveness.

‍Combine video with text‍

In this VSL, Frank introduces his product and does some teaching while he’s at it. The result? Visitors get a taste of his teaching style and the depth of his knowledge.

But Frank knows that some visitors won’t be able to listen to the video. He includes sales copy below the video so visitors can quickly scan to find the information they need.‍

No price on the page‍

Like Sam Ovens above, Frank doesn’t put the price on this landing page. You must click through to see it.

The simple act of clicking through is a micro-commitment. It’s an admission that you’re interested enough to ask the price.

Studies have found that every micro-commitment increases the odds of a successful conversion.

TIP: Find ways to get your prospect to say yes in advance. That will make it easier for them to say yes when you ask them to buy.‍

#10: Dean Graziosi - The Knowledge Broker Blueprint

Cost: $4,997

This offer by Dean Graziosi is unique because it gives you the enrollment form at the top of the page, just below the fold. While we’ve seen it on lower-cost offers, it’s rare for a $1,997 offer.

Most high-dollar offers lay out the value and proof elements first. They only making the offer at the bottom of the page. Here’s why Dean is able to break from tradition on this landing page.‍

Hook them in the headline‍

The headline for this landing page is so powerful, it almost gives the entire sales pitch up front. It also hits every point needed to grab the prospect’s attention and create immediate desire.

The first thing this headline does is acknowledge a scary reality we’re all worried about: “The economy has already shifted.”

Next, it creates urgency: “The time to catch up is right now….”

Then, it suggests that inaction is dangerous: “...or else we risk getting left behind.”

This is a great landing page example because it’s rare to see such a powerful headline and deck combination.

It compresses the entire message—problem, why it’s important, and solution—and drops it on the prospect all at once.

So by the time visitors start reading this page, they’re already convinced they need to take action.

‍Don’t make them wait ‍

Because the headline is so strong, the first module only has to tell readers what they’ll get and allow them to order right away. The rest of the page simply provides more information.

That’s important, because most people want more information before purchasing a product in this price range.‍

#11: Perry Marshall - Google Ads Immersion

Cost: $4,999

Perry Marshall relies on reverse psychology to get results in this landing page example.

Look at the headline’s damaging admission: “You may drop out after the first Team Action Call!”

This is a throwback to the now-famous ad attributed to Sir Ernest Shackleton.‍

"Men wanted for hazardous journey. Low wages, bitter cold, long hours of complete darkness. Safe return doubtful. Honour and recognition in event of success."‍

Essentially, Perry is challenging his readers. His ideal prospects will read this headline and want to prove they’ve got what it takes to meet the challenge.

TIP: Don’t try to appeal to everyone. Choose your target and throw down the gauntlet for them. They’ll respond.‍

Membership and subscription landing pages#12: Moms into Fitness

Moms into Fitness isn’t a big-ticket offer, but their target audience is a hard sell. If that’s your situation, this is a great landing page example.

‍Make your prospects believe‍

Before anyone will buy your product, they need to believe your product will work for them. Their ability to believe depends on: 

Their circumstancesHow many other products they’ve triedHow much success they’ve enjoyed in the past

Most consumers have tried a lot of health and fitness products and experienced a lot of failure. As a result, for this type of product, proof is essential.‍

Prove every claim‍

Let’s look at some of the proof elements on this landing page:

An easy 3-step processImages of moms actively enjoying the programBefore-and-after photos

They don’t just say their program works. They include photos of women—just like the prospect—engaging with the program and getting results.‍

Give permission to invest

‍Moms into Fitness has a unique challenge. Their target audience is often reluctant to spend money on themselves. So it’s important to address this objection directly.

The message, “You are important,” resonates with most moms and is likely to help them overcome feelings of guilt about spending money on themselves.

TIP: It’s important to know the issues your prospects struggle with. Make sure you address those issues quickly and confidently. Once you overcome them, most objections will melt away.‍

#13: Brendan Burchard - HPX Courses

Cost: $349/year

If your industry is mature and you’re well-established in it, selling becomes easier. This landing page example by Kajabi Hero Brendan Burchard is evidence.

Brendan leads a large, engaged community, so he doesn’t need to introduce himself. He does however, include images of himself that reinforce his celebrity status. 

On a cover of Success Magazine Above the fold, being filmedOn the thumbnail of his courseIn a video, with one of his books in front of him

Credibility is everything. If you aren’t seen as a leader in your space yet, find ways to boost your visibility.

And remember, your face is your brand. You’ll build credibility faster if you let people see you teaching, speaking, and engaging with other experts in the industry.‍

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Yes! Let's go #14: Pure Barre Go

Cost: $29.99/month

Pure Barre’s landing page wins points for its simple layout and quality graphics.

The headline tells visitors in no uncertain terms that this is their #1 option for a studio barre workout. Pure Barre then backs up that claim in four blocks of text and graphics.

The layout is simple, and every element supports their claim to fame. How can you do this?

Find the thing you do that no one else can do. Then stake your claim as the #1 option for it.

TIP: Make sure your customers care about your distinguishing feature. Then find ways to prove your claim. You can’t go wrong with high-quality images and clear, customer-oriented copy.‍

#15: Obe Live & On-Demand Fitness Classes — at Home

Cost: $27/month

Obe Fitness’s landing page is a good example of a landing page that shows as well as tells. After reading this page, prospects have a good idea of what their experience will be when they buy.

How does Obe do that?

Instead of sharing pictures of happy members, they use pictures of the actual product: 

A desk-top screen of an instructor Pictures of the phone appThumbnails of the programs you get as a member

For social proof, it has a scrolling bar of magazines and websites that have featured them. It also lists their instructors and glowing testimonials.

TIP: Help your prospects see behind the curtain, so they can imagine themselves using your product.

‍#16: Titans Mastermind

Cost: $20,000

Brian Kurtz’s landing page for his Titans Mastermind Membership breaks every rule about length. As we mentioned above, the “rule” states that more expensive products need more copy to spell out the benefits and remove objections.

But Brian sells a $20,000 mastermind with a short list of bullets. He also makes it impossible to buy without filling out an application.

The key to this sales page is the exclusivity of the offer. The hidden message is that not everyone can gain access. Only the few who are approved gain access.

If you have an exclusive, high-dollar offer, consider testing a short, simple landing page like this. Don’t make it easy for prospects to buy. Instead, ask them to fill out an application and go through an interview process.‍

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Yes! Let's go Lead generation landing pages‍

Lead generation pages are generally short and sweet. They offer something of value in return for an email address. But as you’ll see in this section, every rule can be successfully broken.‍

#17: Airbnb - Subscribe

Cost: Free‍

Travel company Airbnb knows a thing or two about converting customers. They’re experts at marketing, and their lead capture page proves it.

Take a look:

Graphical user interfaceDescription automatically generated

It’s a simple signup page. And that’s exactly why it works. This page is a testament to the power of simplicity.

‍Multiple Points of Entry‍

You get two boxes up top to choose your country and enter your phone number, followed by a call-to-action (CTA) to continue. Alternatively, users can sign up with their email, Facebook, Google, or Apple accounts.

‍Clean and Simple Design ‍

First of all, the design is simple and clean. There’s zero confusion. You instantly know how to sign up and what your options are. Not all lead pages need to be this minimal, but a good lead page absolutely needs to be well-designed. A cluttered page will only create chaos.‍

Several Options for Signups‍

Second, the page provides several options for the user to choose from while still prioritizing one of those options: signing up with a phone number.

Airbnb encourages users to sign up with their phone number by placing a big pink CTA right below the phone number entry field. Your eye is drawn to that pop of pink, so it seems like the most obvious way forward.

Graphical user interface, text, application, emailDescription automatically generated

This is a great technique to use if you want to get specific information from your users, whether it’s a phone number, an email, or even an address.

TIP: Keep your lead page design clean and uncluttered. If you want to grab specific information from people, place the entry field right above a bold, colorful CTA.‍

#18: Ed Gandia - The Success Triad book

Cost: Free‍

One of the highest value lead generation offers is a book. In this example, copywriter coach Ed Gandia offers one of his books as a lead magnet.

This is a good example of a lead generation landing page. Notice how simple it is:

The offer is made in the headline.The title of the book is in the subhead.Simple copy tells visitors what they’ll get from the book.A photo of the product is on the right, with a download button below it.Everything is above the fold.

This layout is so intuitive, visitors can download the book without reading any of the copy and without scrolling to find the button.

Sometimes, the simplest landing page is the best. Feel free to imitate this format to generate leads for your business.‍

Webinar and masterclass landing pages#19: Grant Cardone - 10X Income Webclass

Cost: Free

Looking for a good landing page example of an evergreen webinar? Let’s look at this page by Grant Cardone.‍

Power words‍

Webinar registration pages are short. But they can still pack a punch if you trim your copy to the essentials. The key is to use “power words,” emotionally charged action words.

In Grant’s headline, I’ve bolded the power words:‍

Discover the proven step-by-step formula to multiply your income in any economy

When writing your copy, use active verbs and strong nouns. Go easy on adjectives and adverbs. That will power up your copy.‍

Social proof‍

Grant doesn’t explain who he is. He has some celebrity, so he probably assumes you know.

Even so, he includes media logos below the registration button, which communicates loud and clear that he’s someone worth listening to.‍

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Yes! Let's go #20: Allie Bjerk - Playing Big with Tiny Offers

Cost: Free

A landing page for a free masterclass must be every bit as persuasive as a paid offer.


Because time is valuable. People want to be sure their time won’t be wasted, and that they won’t be subjected to an extended sales pitch.

On your masterclass landing page, spell out everything you’ll be teaching. Make sure your topic and title specifically address a known problem. Then introduce your solution.

If you aren’t well-known in your industry, include a module that explains who you are and why you’re a credible source for this information. This is no less important for a free offer than it is for a paid offer.‍

#21: Molly Mahoney - Live Video Masterclass (launch)

Cost: Free

This page by Molly Mahoney is for the Masterclass she offers multiple times a year. It’s been honed to perfection, and it converts at 10% or better.

Perhaps you have a masterclass or webinar you’ve refined over time. You know your value proposition and the key points your audience responds to.

Like Molly, you don’t need a long, in-depth landing page when you know what people want to hear. You only need:

An attention-getting headlineA deck that explains the topic and why it mattersA few bullet points with the biggest takeaways‍Virtual event landing pages‍

Now, let’s look at some high-converting landing page examples that are worth mimicking.‍

#22: Jay Abraham - Preeminence Challenge 

Cost: Free

This landing page is for a 5-day challenge: a virtual event hosted by marketing legend Jay Abraham. It’s a $997 value, offered for free.

Because the event is free, the landing page shouldn’t need to be long. But in this case, it needs to explain why Jay is willing to give this much value for free.

As with Moms Into Fitness (above), sometimes you need to convince your prospect it’s okay to accept the offer. In this case, they do this above the fold. Jay says this challenge is “part of a daring one-time test.”

Not only does that answer the prospect’s question, it builds curiosity and adds a touch of urgency. Do you dare miss out on this one-time test?‍

#23: Magnetic Marketing - Free Masterclass

Cost: Free

You can turn your masterclass into an event by including multiple high-profile speakers.

This offer, by Magnetic Marketing, offers a full day of training by celebrity speakers. The topic is important, but it takes a back seat to the names on the agenda.

TIP: Featuring celebrity speakers is a good way to build engagement and attract your core audience.

This is simply a series of webinars with high-profile speakers. The landing page provides in-depth bios of the speakers, so visitors know who they are and what they’ll be teaching.‍

#24: Jay Fisset - Connect, Collaborate & Create Summit

Cost: Free

Here’s another landing page of a virtual event. Notice how little copy is needed to create interest. 

The power of this page is in the headline. It includes:

A proprietary method – the Upstream MethodA tangible outcome – generate income for the next 30+ years A timeframe – now

Jay Fiset lists four outcomes that his target audience wants. He then includes a card for each of the 38 speakers. The result is an event that looks authoritative and valuable.

TIP: In marketing, perception is reality. By creating the appearance of value, Jay’s free event looks as impressive as some of the paid events we’ve looked at.‍

#25: Neurogyn - Brain-a-thon

Cost: Free

Create a fascinating topic or title, and you don’t need much copy at all. You simply need to verify that you can deliver as promised.

Here, Neurogyn offers free training to help their audience change their income, achieve their goals, and to do it all faster and easier than before.

Credibility comes from the titles of the speakers, all of them brain experts and doctors. With a few testimonials from past presentations, this offer is good to go.‍

How you can build powerful landing pages for your business‍

When you need to drive action, it’s time to create a campaign that 

Attracts your best customersHelps them know, like, and trust you and your brandDrive the action you need

And your campaign starts with a high-converting landing page.

Kajabi makes it simple to creating landing pages that convert and boost your revenue. We include a series of pre-made templates for landing pages that you can customize to fit your needs. You can also build your own custom landing pages with our landing page builder.

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